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Rejuvenating Technology for the Future

Microneedling in its latest inmplementation offers superlative results in treating problems like:


- Wrinkles

- Photodamage

- Skin sagging

- Facial rejuvenation

- Melasma and other pigmentation

- Acne scars

- Other scars


The Dermapen™ is a revolutionary micro-needling device which aims to tighten, lift and rejuvenate skin. The Dermapen 3™ represents the latest and most advanced micro needling technology . The Dermapen has many benefits:

  • Safer and more effective than traditional methods

  • Has a superior effect on collagen and elastin rejuvenation

  • Highest effectiveness

  • Promotes scar-less healing and natural collagen reproduction


Patients appreciate the minimal down time and how the treatment makes them look and feel.


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